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Android 13 Official Rollout

Discover what's new with the latest Android version rollout.

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Android 13 arrives on Google Pixel 2 devices

Discover what's new with the latest version of Android on Pixel 2 devices.

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Plans for Android 13 Development

Learn what's coming with the latest version of Android for the rest of the devices.

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July 2022 Update

Learn what the July 2022 update brings to the current officially supported PixelExperience devices.

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June 2022 Update

Learn what the June 2022 update brings to PixelExperience for the currently supported devices.

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April 2022 Update

Learn what has been going on for the past couple of months with regards to the Google Pixel devices.

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January 2022 Update

Learn all about what's been going on with the support of the Google Pixel devices.

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Android 12 arrives on Google Pixel 2 devices

Learn all about Android 12's introduction on the second generation Google Pixel devices.

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October 2021 Update

Learn what comes with the spookiest day of the calendar for the currently supported devices.

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September 2021 Update

Learn about the newest fixes and updates with the September 2021 update.

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August 2021 Update

Learn what the summer-packed update brings to the first and second generation Pixel devices.

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July 2021 Update

Learn what the updates come about with dotOS & PixelExperience this July to the currently supported devices.

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June 2021 Update

End of the month, means there's a new update that comess to the currently supported devices.

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May 2021 Update

Learn what the May 2021 update brings to the currently supported devices.

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April 2021 Update

Learn what the April, spring update brings to the currently supported devices.

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March 2021 Update

Learn what the new updates in PixelExperience come with this March 2021 update.

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February 2021 Update

Learn what's new with Android 11 via the February 2021 update brings to the Google Pixel 2 devices.

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January 2021 Update

Learn what's new with angler and taimen with the January 2021 update.

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Learn what's new with the PixelBoot site and it's new domain.

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December 2020 Update

Learn what gifts and treats come with the December 2020 update brings to the currently supported devices.

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November 2020 Update

Learn what's new with the last and first generation Nexus and Pixel devices with the November 2020 update.

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October 2020 Update

Learn what's new this autumn with the October 2020 update.

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Android 11 arrives on the Google Nexus 6P

Learn about the latest angler updates with regards to Android 11 development.

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August 2020 Update

Excited to see what's next for Android 11? Learn what the August 2020 update brings to the currently supported devices.

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July 2020 Update

Learn what's new with the July 2020 update to the currently supported devices.

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Future ROM support for the Google Nexus 6P

What ROMs will remain supported for angler in the following weeks? Learn more about that here.

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June 2020 Update

Learn what the June 2020 brings to angler and marlin devices.

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Launch of site

Hello world!

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